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Michael Burns | Freedom Lifestyle Experience

Navigating Distractions & Problems

Michael Burns | Freedom Lifestyle Experience         Michael Burns | Freedom Lifestyle Experience        
Navigating Distractions & Problems           Navigating Distractions & Problems          
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    “Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.” – Mike Tyson

    It doesn’t matter how well you plan. Just like Tyson’s punch, you can’t avoid every business catastrophe, family dispute, or “shiny object” that tries to pull you away from your goals. But you can learn to minimize the damage

    In this episode, you’ll discover how you can dust yourself off sooner so you can get back to focusing on building your freedom lifestyle.

    Listen now and never get knocked down by problems again!

    Show highlights include: 

    • The “shiny paper” pandemic that plagues masterminds and kills dreams of business success (8:48)
    • Why copying successful tactics is a terrible idea that only distracts you from your goals (9:07)
    • Instantly get clarity on your most anxiety-inducing problem by uttering 9 words (13:26)
    • The ten-second gut check you can use next time you’re faced with “shiny object syndrome” (15:07)
    • How to protect your energy so political debates, family drama and public health hysteria don’t consume you (15:35)
    Read Full Transcript

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