“And I think you got to move past our instincts here on doing nothing. We freeze with all of this information out there. I think it's really easy to do nothing.” – Darin Persinger
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Numbers never Lie:
The average real estate agent is a 57 year old white woman
Main Topic:
The “Do Nothing Roadblock”
3 Tips to stop doing nothing:
1. Are you confusing hesitation with patience?
2. Start to identify which decisions or choices you're hesitating on.
3. Listen to Making Agents Rich #5 to find out about the 72 hours rule.
Show sponsor:
The Book: The 5 Levels Of Success For A Real Estate Agent http://makingagentsrich.com/5levelsbook/
Links and other stuff mentioned in this show:
1. Why perfection is a real estate agents worst enemy Think Progression
2. Real Estate Agents: Money is attracted to this Think Speed