Darin Persinger
MAR68: How to stay motivated (no matter what)
“There's people that are motivated by the reward and then there's people that are motivated by not getting the bad result.” – Darin Persinger
Click here to download the transcript of this show MAR-68_transcript
Numbers never Lie:
30 – amount of times that Stephen King received rejection letters for his story, the book, Carrie.
Main Topic:
Goal Setters | Problem Solvers
Love Winning – Carrot | Stick – Hate Losing
First Things First | Worst Things First
Three tips:
1. Find out what motivates you
2. Get help / take action
3. Get accountability
Links and other stuff mentioned in this show:
1. How successful do you want to be? The Five Levels of Success
2. What if you could 10x your real estate business? Think Bigger
3. The only thing your real estate clients want from you Think Results
4. Simple Business Plan: http://Realestatesimplebizplan.com