“If you believe the interruptions, distractions are villains of productivity that they need to be slain then you need to go, develop an environment of productivity and get yourself into that place as often as possible.” – Darin Persinger
Main Topic:
9. Time Block Everything
10. Get Multiple Angles of Accountability
11. Interruptions & Distractions are Villains of Productivity
12. Create Quick & Early Wins
Links and other stuff mentioned in this show:
1. How To Create Your Most Productive Environment For Sales Success Productivity Slipstream
2. Productivity Getter Beliefs 1-4 PGB1
3. Productivity Getter Beliefs 5-8 PGB2
4. Productivity Getter Values 1-4 PGV1
5. Productivity Getter Values 5-8 PGV2
6. Productivity Getter Values 9-12 PGV3