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Levi Wanner | The Pursuit of Everything

Cut Throat Committee

Levi Wanner | The Pursuit of Everything         Levi Wanner | The Pursuit of Everything        
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    Get ready to fuel your motivation with today's episode of Pursuit of Everything, which takes on the raw and rigorous 75 HARD challenge.

    Discover how strategic meal planning, determined workouts, and steadfast goal-setting are revolutionizing our lives both physically and mentally. Listen in as we explore the balancing act of work–life integration, discuss the surprising joys of embracing the outdoors, and share the thrilling personal victories of cutting through life's clutter.

    Hear firsthand how our hosts conquer fears, push past limitations, and foster unshakeable confidence in the face of adversity. Tune in now for a surge of inspiration and practical advice on your journey to achieving everything.

    Show Highlights:

    • Discover the 75 HARD challenge. [00:01:45]
    • Tips to navigate the 75 HARD reading grind. [00:08:55]
    • Gear up for mindset lucidity in 75 HARD. [00:14:19]
    • Uncover the mental-toughness book for everyone. [25:57]
    • Dive into the 75 HARD deep-end elements. [00:31:00]
    • Top podcasts and books for the 75 HARD rigors. [00:36:59]
    • Why do 75 HARD for savage confidence and focus? [00:40:04]
    • How to integrate self-care in a 75 HARD challenge. [00:46:25]
    • Strategies to beat morning-workout reluctance. [00:50:21]

    Want to know more about Levi? Follow him on Instagram, and join us next time!

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