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Levi Wanner | The Pursuit of Everything

Hustler's Ambition

Levi Wanner | The Pursuit of Everything         Levi Wanner | The Pursuit of Everything        
Hustler's Ambition           Hustler's Ambition          
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    Hey, listeners, ready to get the lowdown on what it really takes to chase your dreams?

    In today’s episode, Levi and team are swapping stories—from real estate craziness to finding the perfect work-life groove—and getting real about the hustle.

    Special guests DJ Topeka and Haley pop by to chat about why that 9-to-5 life isn't for everyone. So, if you've ever wanted a sneak peek into the minds of folks who go after it all, this is the episode for you.

    Show Highlights:

    • Powerful tips to manage stress to find calm every day [00:02:51]
    • Get real like a pro with the hidden stressors in real estate [00:10:31]
    • How to beat overthinking and procrastination [00:15:11]
    • Train your staff in this critical preparedness skill [00:18:53]
    • Why pick the stress you want, business over poverty? [00:24:31]
    • Dive into the “eat what you kill” world of success [00:31:08]
    • Get strategic with readiness stress when clients text [00:34:26]
    • Here’s the right time to plunge into a purpose-driven career [00:50:03]

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