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Levi Wanner | The Pursuit of Everything


Levi Wanner | The Pursuit of Everything         Levi Wanner | The Pursuit of Everything        
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    Today, Levi shares the goldmine that is networking with top-tier investors and business mavens. He reinforces the need for constant growth, pulling expertise from a spectrum of resources, even when traditional learning methods like reading don't come easy.

    In this episode, we strip away the traditional success playbook, looking beyond college degrees to the wealth potential within the trades and direct investment experiences. It's time to challenge the status quo and push beyond your current thresholds. Listen in now!

    Show Highlights:

    • How to break through discomfort and impostor syndrome into freedom [00:05:35]
    • Tips to level up with healthy competition and seek individual success paths [00:07:03]
    • How to ease anxiety in new environments when leveling up [00:11:02]
    • The importance of finding your tribe for game-changing support [00:14:27]
    • How to strategically develop from being the small fish in the room [00:22:13]
    • Is success subjective or is traditional academic achievement failing at wealth creation? [00:29:08]
    • Who will be the next billionaires? [30:10.2]
    • Old hat marketing classes vs practical insights from Gary Vee [00:34:03]
    • Defining success and happiness in adulthood through parental work ethic [00:36:32]

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