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Lisa Rangel | Pretend You’re Fired Today

Setting Up Your "Crush The Interview" Mindset

Lisa Rangel | Pretend You’re Fired Today         Lisa Rangel | Pretend You’re Fired Today        
Setting Up Your "Crush The Interview" Mindset           Setting Up Your "Crush The Interview" Mindset          
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    This episode is all about how best to prepare – mentally – for your next job interview.

    Specifically, you’ll learn how to get ready for all those terrifying questions that make your heart race and knees shake. The ones you always hope nobody asks.

    By the end of this show, you’re going to be one step closer to having the right mindset that can crush even the hardest of  interviews and get the job offer you’re after.

    Show highlights:

    – Three of the most feared job interview questions. (2:06)

    – How to “make your skeleton dance” and still get the job offer. (3:44)

    – The wrong way to answer an interview question. (4:01)

    – Dirty little secret candidates with “impeccable backgrounds” hide in their closets. (5:20)

    – This one “miracle” can turn your most dreaded interview into a winner. (5:57)

    Here’s what to do next:

    Go to http://interviewprepsheet.com, download you interview prep-sheet…

    And get ready to become a real job offer magnet!

    Start listening now.

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