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Lisa Rangel | Pretend You’re Fired Today

Maximizing Business Travel to Nurture Your Network

Lisa Rangel | Pretend You’re Fired Today         Lisa Rangel | Pretend You’re Fired Today        
Maximizing Business Travel to Nurture Your Network           Maximizing Business Travel to Nurture Your Network          
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    Everyone needs to go on a business trip once in awhile.

    Most people’s focus is solely on getting the work done… and have no idea how to leverage these trips for nurturing and expanding their networks.

    Today’s episode will show how to do just that: Growing your network while you’re traveling, make meaningful connections with people in your industry… and make sure you're always in demand!

    Show highlights:

    • One thing you should do before going on a business trip. (3:51)
    • How to make Facebook work for you when you’re in a new city. (4:35)
    • How to reach out to people you want to meet without feeling awkward. (5:33)
    • The REAL reason why breakfast is the most important meal of your day! (5:50)
    • How to make people remember you. (6:23)

    And if you want to know what else can help you get your next job FAST…

    Go to http://joblandingquiz.com, take the free job landing quiz, and start your complimentary training today!

    Start listening now.

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