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Joe Mosher | The Pacesetter Pod

How to create customer value during M&A integration

Joe Mosher | The Pacesetter Pod         Joe Mosher | The Pacesetter Pod        
How to create customer value during M&A integration           How to create customer value during M&A integration          
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    Most M&A integrations destroy more value than they create. They do this by asking these irrelevant questions:

    • How do we sustain our culture?
    • How do we put our new portfolio, products, and services into the market?
    • How do we understand our margins and profitability?

    These questions are a complete waste of time, energy, and money compared to the life-or-death element of an M&A: your customers.

    Because when you treat your customers like an Egyptian Deity, the chances of your M&A integration succeeding skyrockets.

    In today’s episode, I reveal the Egyptian Deity method for guaranteeing the success of your M&A. You’ll also discover why putting your customers at the forefront of your integration plan guarantees the success of your M&A.

    Listen now!

    Show Highlights Include:

    • 3 questions to ask before your next M&A to have a smooth integration (1:18)
    • Why worshiping your customers like an Egyptian deity guarantees the success of your M&A (2:56)
    • The champagne popper’s secret for merging two companies together (without chaos) (4:28)
    • De-risk your M&A by positioning your customers at the heart of your integration plan (8:23)
    • Reason why between 70% and 90% of M&A fail? They don’t implement the “The Three Layered Results Pyramid” (8:38)
    • How retaining employees is a complete waste of time when compared to (this) (12:27)

    For more about Joe Mosher, go here:

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