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In today’s episode, Jim talks about a past time feeding prisoners at a local county Jail and the importance of serving your market. Jim made a commitment and a promise to serve these prisoners.

Jim committed to feeding prisoners 3 square meals every single day of the year. It didn't matter if it was Thanksgiving, horrendous stormy weather or important family events…. The prisoners still needed feeding.

Jim discovered it was so important to his own growth that he had to get out his own way and serve people. It's all about looking out for people’s best interests before your own. Once you make a commitment to serve an audience, it's essential that you stick to the plan and go all in. As Jim says “You can't half ass serving”.

If you’re not giving it your all when serving your market, it's useless. But if you put the interests of others before yourself and you give it everything you’ve got, you’ll find you’re able to reach more people and have a bigger impact in the world today.

Today’s Question: How can you create an environment where your clients best interests come long before yours?

Today’s Challenge: The next time you have a client ask for something, step up to the plate and deliver what they need, not what you want.

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