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Jeremy and Joshua Mathis | Expose and Expand

#58 The Money Conversation Your Family Needs You to Hear

Jeremy and Joshua Mathis | Expose and Expand         Jeremy and Joshua Mathis | Expose and Expand        
#58 The Money Conversation Your Family Needs You to Hear           #58 The Money Conversation Your Family Needs You to Hear          
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    Today, we’re here to explore smart money strategies and tips everyone should know. We’ll chat about setting clear money goals, the importance of building a solid financial network, and real stories of overcoming financial near-disasters. We'll also share how understanding taxes and saying no can protect your peace and boost your financial success.

    Join us, subscribe on YouTube, and start your journey to financial confidence and growth with us today!

    Let's get exposed!

    Show Highlights:

    • Why 1/3 of lottery winners and 78% of athletes go broke. [00:00:42]
    • The central word for your pre-wealth mindset revealed. [00:03:47]
    • How tough boundaries create a momentum of success. [00:07:01]
    • The importance of tax-system knowledge. [00:10:57]
    • Do you have foundational financial skills? [00:13:28]
    • Strategies to build up a wealth network to level up. [00:18:41]
    • The power of open, regular money conversations. [00:20:42]
    • Sage advice on investing with a view to legacy planning. [00:24:34]

    Subscribe to Expose and Expand YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSVgdCTHyKJSQwq5MS7Lb0A

    Follow Expose and Expand Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/eandepodcastshow/

    Follow MathisTwins Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mathistwins/

    Text this number to connect with us personally: 786-730-4336

    Download our 9-Step Hiring Process: MathisTwins Hiring Process

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