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Jeremy and Joshua Mathis | Expose and Expand

#51 The Leadership Leap: Lessons We Learned and Applied

Jeremy and Joshua Mathis | Expose and Expand         Jeremy and Joshua Mathis | Expose and Expand        
#51 The Leadership Leap: Lessons We Learned and Applied           #51 The Leadership Leap: Lessons We Learned and Applied          
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    Today, we're excited to share some of our biggest lessons on becoming better leaders.

    We’ve run businesses for years, and we've learned a lot about setting high standards, building strong teams, and creating a great company culture. We’ll also talk about some big mistakes we made and how you can avoid them. This episode is packed with easy-to-follow advice that can help you lead with confidence.

    Let's get Exposed!

    Show Highlights:

    • How adopting the MJ mentality helps exceed standards. [00:03:09]
    • The importance of overcoming the popularity pitfall. [00:05:00]
    • Transitioning from being a nice leader to an effective one. [00:08:28]
    • Why turning employees into leaders grows companies. [00:09:38]
    • Actionable tips to build a safe fail-forward work culture. [00:13:09]
    • Dive into why only top-tier talent ultimately works. [00:15:06]
    • Discover the secrets of designing company culture. [00:17:15]
    • Find out what tracking data does for your business. [00:21:10]

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