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Jeremy and Joshua Mathis | Expose and Expand

#50 We Spent over $1 Million on Marketing

Jeremy and Joshua Mathis | Expose and Expand         Jeremy and Joshua Mathis | Expose and Expand        
#50 We Spent over $1 Million on Marketing           #50 We Spent over $1 Million on Marketing          
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    Today, we're sharing some really cool tips about marketing that we've learned from spending over a million dollars. We'll talk about how important it is to track your marketing efforts and understand your key numbers, like KPIs.

    We'll also share stories from our own businesses—from making it big with real estate to running a bakery shop using Facebook ads. Plus, we’ll discuss why always responding quickly to customer questions can make a huge difference. Whether you’re new to marketing or have experience marketing your business or brand, this episode is packed with useful advice and exciting stories.

    Let's get Exposed!

    Show Highlights:

    • Discover key marketing lessons from a college business. [00:02:47]
    • The importance of first testing any marketing strategy. [00:13:18]
    • The power of having diversified channels of marketing. [00:15:06]
    • Why you need to track your marketing efforts. [00:18:35]
    • Understand KPIs and how they guide your next moves. [00:21:28]
    • Find out what “speed to lead” is and how to apply it. [00:23:42]
    • Explore the vital factors for successful lead conversion. [00:28:46]
    • The 120-day rule for all marketing channels. [00:32:12]
    • Dive into the pivotal focus of profiling the ideal customer. [00:34:22]
    • Heavy-lifting tips for your marketing playbook. [00:35:51]

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