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Jean-Francois Gemme | List Building Anonymous

Step 7: We Asked for our Leadership strengths to soar (part 2)

Jean-Francois Gemme | List Building Anonymous         Jean-Francois Gemme | List Building Anonymous        
Step 7: We Asked for our Leadership strengths to soar (part 2)           Step 7: We Asked for our Leadership strengths to soar (part 2)          
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    In the second part of this step towards building your own profitable online business, Jean is joined by special guest Alvaro Baturone; A personal coach in the relationship niche helping people overcome emotional obstacles and creating a fulfilling life.

    Alvaro goes into great depth about how you can harness the strengths already inside you, and then use them to evolve and thrive to live life to your fullest potential.

    Show Highlights:

    • Cultivating and harnessing your inner strengths (2:10)
    • The 2 dimensions of leadership (5:20)
    • How you do one thing is how you do everything (10:00)
    • Two critical keys that create great leaders (12:00)


    The List Building Anonymous Podcast is all about showing you exactly how to build a profitable online business through Jean – Francois’s unique 12 step program. It’s the only podcast that delivers A to Z strategies directly from the trenches without the added ‘fluff’.

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