Jean-Francois Gemme | List Building Anonymous
Step 1: We Decided to straighten our Mindset
In today’s show Jean is joined by guest Kristiin Sabey to further discuss straightening and strengthening your mindset for success. Kristiin is a life coach and real estate investor who has taught thousands of people how to successfully invest in the rear estate market and live a happy and balanced life.
Show Highlights:
- Kristiin’s eye opening view on the ‘All In’ concept (3:00)
- The true meaning of success (5:30)
- Quickly destroy and eradicate self sabotage from your life (10:20)
- How Michael Jordan failed his way to success (12:20)
- ‘The Sproat Journal Technique’ to grow, nurture and achieve your goals (13:50)
The List Building Anonymous Podcast is all about showing you exactly how to build a profitable online business through Jean – Francois’s unique 12 step program. It’s the only podcast that delivers A to Z strategies directly from the trenches without the added ‘fluff’.