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Troy Broussard | Go Berserk With Email

How To Build A Buyers List Without Buyers

Troy Broussard | Go Berserk With Email         Troy Broussard | Go Berserk With Email        
How To Build A Buyers List Without Buyers           How To Build A Buyers List Without Buyers          
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    In this episode, Troy Broussard and Jonathan share practical tips on how to build a list of buyers and understand email marketing better. They'll talk about using platforms like Kindle to find new leads and why it's important to write clear and helpful content.

    Whether you're new to email marketing or looking to improve, this episode is full of useful advice. Don't miss out on learning how to attract the right clients and keep away those who aren’t serious!

    Listen now!

    Show Highlights:

    • Can you make a buyer’s list without buyers? [01:11]
    • How do we leverage Amazon as the lead generational tool for business? [02:11]
    • Do you want your content to be read more? [04:40]
    • Get a psychological understanding of crafting content [05:29]
    • The difference between a problem-solver and a researcher [06:55]
    • Learn to exclude what doesn’t make sense to you [07:35]
    • Discover the importance of protecting your clients [08:40]
    • Here is how you can master copywriting and email techniques [12:16]

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