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Troy Broussard | Go Berserk With Email

Content Creation On The Can

Troy Broussard | Go Berserk With Email         Troy Broussard | Go Berserk With Email        
Content Creation On The Can           Content Creation On The Can          
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    Today, we're going to crack the code on using email archives to keep your content alive and kicking long after you hit send. It's like giving your emails a second life where they can keep working for you.

    We'll also check out how Berserker Mail teams up with Learnistic, so you can send out fresh material to your fans straight to their phones. Imagine sending your latest audio or video to your followers, just like that!

    I'll be joined by JR Rivera as we explore these slick email strategies and talk about what's up with those setup fees. Whether you've got Berserker Mail or not, we're here to make sure you pick up some useful tips. So make sure to plug in and join us for another round of email knowledge on “Go Berserk With Email”!

    Show Highlights:

    • Are you ready to elevate your content publishing with these customizable features? [02:03]
    • Unlock the power of email archives. [03:34]
    • Gain control over the settings of your email archives. [04:38]
    • Can you control how many emails go into the archive? [04:53]
    • Here is everything you need to know about Learnistic. [06:50]
    • Are you aware of the link between Learnistic and Berserker Mail? [07:49]
    • Discover how integrating Learnistic into Berserker Mail can benefit you. [09:22]
    • How can you publish content easily on the phone? [11:17]

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