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Troy Broussard | Go Berserk With Email

Why 80/20 Brutally Murders Sales in Email Marketing

Troy Broussard | Go Berserk With Email         Troy Broussard | Go Berserk With Email        
Why 80/20 Brutally Murders Sales in Email Marketing           Why 80/20 Brutally Murders Sales in Email Marketing          
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    In this episode, Troy Broussard introduces a new perspective on the 80/20 principle, now known as the “95/5” approach. He explains the impact of technology's personalized algorithms on decision-making and how it has changed the way businesses operate.

    With relatable examples, Troy demonstrates how focusing on the most impactful tasks can lead to better efficiency and success. Get ready to explore a fresh way of thinking that will transform the way you approach your work and business strategies.

    Show Highlights:

    • What if the 80/20 rule isn't the ultimate truth? [01:41]
    • Discover how leveraging Pareto's principle can skyrocket your business profits. [03:25]
    • Unlock the secret to converting web content. [07:01]
    • Are we existing in a world of AI? [10:00]
    • The impact of hyper-personalization on modern business strategies. [12:35]
    • How do you define success in business today? [16:02]
    • What's the one thing that will make everything else easier or unnecessary? [19:14]
    • Discover the top 5% secrets to membership retention. [20:42]

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