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David Tian | Masculine Psychology

Does Emotional Vulnerability Make You Less Attractive To Women?

David Tian | Masculine Psychology         David Tian | Masculine Psychology        
Does Emotional Vulnerability Make You Less Attractive To Women?           Does Emotional Vulnerability Make You Less Attractive To Women?          
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    Many guys ask me if it’s possible to be vulnerable and sexually attractive women. 

    And while this answer may shock you: Yes you can. In fact, you can become more attractive by becoming vulnerable. 

    But here’s the problem: 

    Most guys confuse vulnerability with the notorious “Attraction Killer.” This “Attraction Killer” poisons every single attractive quality you have and makes love impossible as long as it haunts you. 

    In this episode, you’ll discover what this “Attraction Killer” is and how to decapitate it from your psyche. 

    Listen now and you’ll become more attractive by the end of the episode. 

    Show Highlights Include:

    • The single most important factor for determining if women find you attractive (0:29) 
    • The insidious “N-word” which pollutes your attractive qualities and scares women away faster than Freddy Krueger (6:17) 
    • Why relying on your partner for your happiness will sabotage every relationship you ever have (10:39) 
    • How to become more sexually attractive to women by picking your nose (12:25) 
    • The cold, hard truth about why ugly, broke, and stupid losers get more ladies than you (13:46) 
    • The common “turn your partner into your therapist” trap nice guys fall into which makes their girlfriend cheat on them (18:00) 
    • How to become happier and more attractive by embracing sadness (21:05) 
    • How to bounce back from your girlfriend cheating on you in public and becoming suicidal (even if your situation isn’t as dire) (23:31) 

    For more on the Emotional Mastery program, go here:

    Does your neediness, fear, or insecurity sabotage your success with women? Do you feel you may be unlovable? For more than 15 years, I've helped thousands of people find confidence, fulfillment, and loving relationships. And I can help you, too. I'm therapist and life coach David Tian, Ph.D. I invite you to check out my free Masterclasses on dating and relationships at https://www.davidtianphd.com/masterclass/ now.

    For more about David Tian, go here:


    Get access to all my current and future online coaching courses by applying for the Platinum Partnership program today at:


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