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Dave Parks | It's My Turn To Care

COVID, Vaccines, and Empowering Seniors

Dave Parks | It's My Turn To Care         Dave Parks | It's My Turn To Care        
COVID, Vaccines, and Empowering Seniors           COVID, Vaccines, and Empowering Seniors          
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    These are some of the most uncertain times we’ve ever seen. For your aging loved one the situation is probably very frightening. How can you be sure that you’re getting the most up to date and accurate information to properly care for them?

    In this episode, Tarrant County Commission Gary Fickes discusses community initiatives designed to help seniors and tips to keep your loved one healthy and safe during these difficult times. 

    Here Are The Show Highlights:

    • Tips for safeguarding your loved one’s health when they have to be out in the community (14:53)
    • Symptoms that mean you should get your medical condition tested and exactly where to go (15:56)
    • An update on vaccine progress and how your family can get it when they are ready (19:29)

    For daily 5-minute mind exercises, head over and like my Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/hcafortworth/

    You can also find additional support and resources by calling Home Care Assistance at 817-349-7599 or visit our websites https://www.homecareassistancefortworth.com/ and https://itsmyturntocare.com/.

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