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Darryl Lyons | Retire in Texas

From Active Doctor to Engaged Retiree with Dr. Ogletree

Darryl Lyons | Retire in Texas         Darryl Lyons | Retire in Texas        
From Active Doctor to Engaged Retiree with Dr. Ogletree           From Active Doctor to Engaged Retiree with Dr. Ogletree          
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    Working in the health industry is not easy.

    Most of us only know the perspective of a patient, so complaining about doctors who only talk to you for two minutes sending you back home is a low-hanging fruit.

    But the truth is, it isn’t their fault. In fact, the insurance companies forces them to meet a daily quota of patients per day if they want to get by.

    Fortunately, there are ways to ensure that doctors can take proper care of their patients.

    In today’s episode, James Ogletree, Director at Health By Design,shares how agreeableness can kill a business, why doctors can’t take care of their patients, and how businesses can thrive with healthier employees.

    Listen now.

    Show highlights include:

    • Why your likeability may hold you back from better results in your business (5:47)
    • Why small town people who choose big universities risk losing several years of their life (and what to do instead) (7:14)
    • How the health industry prevents doctors from taking care of their patients (and what you can do about it) (10:40)
    • How to prevent falling into a rut of regret as soon as you retire (17:17)


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