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Darryl Lyons | Retire in Texas

A Real-Life Inflation Story with Company Executive Keith Roland

Darryl Lyons | Retire in Texas         Darryl Lyons | Retire in Texas        
A Real-Life Inflation Story with Company Executive Keith Roland           A Real-Life Inflation Story with Company Executive Keith Roland          
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    Consumer prices in the US are rising at the fastest rate they have in decades.

    It’s called inflation. And left unchecked, it can erode your life savings. But don’t stress. This is not the first time we've been through it.

    Today’s guest, retired company executive Keith Roland, shares his experience with inflation and what you can learn from it to protect your assets.

    In this episode, you’ll discover how lessons from the Jimmy Carter era can help protect your assets in today's turbulent financial times.

    Listen now.

    Show Highlights Include:

    • The “paper route plus” method that your 13 year old could use to make more than a college student (6:14)
    • How to retain your business’ team members for decades (even if your competitors offer a bigger salary) (7:37)
    • An obvious-but-common financial mistake that erodes your life savings in times of inflation (9:10)
    • The root cause of “retirees’ guilt” (and how to cure it, while making a little cash on the side) (12:37)


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