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Darryl Lyons | Retire in Texas

Retired Teacher and Coach Makes up for Lost Travel with Rick Smith

Darryl Lyons | Retire in Texas         Darryl Lyons | Retire in Texas        
Retired Teacher and Coach Makes up for Lost Travel with Rick Smith           Retired Teacher and Coach Makes up for Lost Travel with Rick Smith          
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    When most of us imagine retirement, we conjure dreams of freedom, wealth and travel.

    So why is it that so many people throw away their golden years isolating themselves from the community, watching Fox News, and tending to their flower beds?

    Lack of preparation.

    Today’s guest, retired teacher and coach Rick Smith, shows you how you can travel more in the first 4 months of retirement than in the rest of your life combined.

    In this episode, you’ll discover how to retire on a high note and enjoy the freedom, wealth and travel you deserve.

    Listen now.

    Show Highlights Include:

    • Why ditching the “Coffee Can” mentality helps you avoid regret when you retire (13:54)
    • 2 retirement “side jobs” to keep you engaged in the community (and pay for your next vacation) (15:43)
    • The “Fox News and Flower Beds” trap that turns retirement from an exciting journey into a dull existence (17:09)
    • How to retire with a hefty nest egg (even if you don’t know how to invest your money) (17:30)


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