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Darryl Lyons | Retire in Texas

Psychologist kayaks into retirement with Tony Dodge

Darryl Lyons | Retire in Texas         Darryl Lyons | Retire in Texas        
Psychologist kayaks into retirement with Tony Dodge           Psychologist kayaks into retirement with Tony Dodge          
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    Retirement is a time when you can finally do what's been on your bucket list all these years. You can travel the world, have one-on-one moments with loved ones or even revive an old passion!

    But if you don’t plan ahead, you’ll have so little energy that your retirement years will be nothing but regret and penny-pinching.

    Today’s guest Tony Dodge has been a busboy, a service member and a psychologist. Now he’s retired in Texas and spends his days kayaking, traveling and leaving a legacy to his family. Now he’s sharing his story so you can do the same.

    In this episode you’ll get timeless advice for planning your retirement, so you can have more fun, feel more free, and leave a lasting legacy.

    Listen now!

    Show Highlights Include:

    • Why sending your kids to work turns them into successful adults (even if you’ve got more than enough money to support them) (4:56)
    • How taking a walk through the bookstore turns your apathetic teen into an engaged and successful adult (6:24)
    • The “one-way doors” principle that helps you avoid a financial catastrophe in retirement (12:21)
    • Why planning your retirement early lets you travel more, take on new hobbies and take care of yourself (12:42)
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