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Kevin Rogers | Copy Chief Radio

USP follow up

Kevin Rogers | Copy Chief Radio         Kevin Rogers | Copy Chief Radio        
USP follow up           USP follow up          
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    In a rush? Here are the highlights from today’s show:

    – The Shark Tank Follow Up’ (1:40 mark)

    – The changes and lessons Jonathan learned figuring out his USP’s (2:25 mark)

    – How you can put yourself ahead of the competition (2:55 mark)

    – Why its important to focus on just one customer avatar at a time (4:00 mark)

    – Jonathan’s initial confusion, how he found clarity and then the major breakthrough that led to multiplying growth in The Podcast Factory Network (5:15 mark)

    – Why seeing your USP through your customers reality will increase the value your company can offer (6:25 mark)

    – Jonathan found out why the growth of your company is solely directed by your USP ( 9:02 mark)

    – The big ‘value proposition question’ that will give you absolute clarity (9:30 mark)

    – What to do as soon as you figure out your USP to make sure you’ve hit the nail on the head (11:30 mark)

    – The reason you aren’t seeing whats special about you and your company. The benefits buried deep in your business that you never even knew about. (12:15 mark)

    – Ross tells us some valuable lessons when it comes to figuring out your own USP (15:05)

    – The difference between what you DO and why people should pick you over the competition (17:00 mark)

    – Learn why Domino’s Pizza’s are killing it when it comes to providing maximum value and being unique unlike the competition (17:40 mark)

    – Why you shouldn’t be afraid of ‘bragging’ if you’re producing great work. (19:25 mark)

    Today's Show

    Today’s podcast welcomes back Copy Chief’s In House Expert Ross who talks with Jonathan about USP’s and Value Propositions.

    Ross is well known inside copy chiefs community as the ‘go to guy ‘ when it comes to digging out your own USP buried deep inside your business and its probably ones you aren’t even aware of.

    Jonathan, being an inside member of the Copy Chief community worked with Ross on his own USP for the Podcast Factory Network and had some major breakthroughs when following the same process outlined in todays podcast.

    Big Takeaways

    Ross sheds the light on why having a value proposition statement will bring you absolute clarity and just how that dictates the growth of your business.

    The one key question you must be asking yourself and how it actually exists in reality in the eyes of your ideal customers.

    Why its so important to lay your cards on the table and ‘look through the eyes of the customer’ as Ross puts it.

    Doing this led to Jonathan’s big breakthrough in his own business where he realised his growth was guided ultimately by his USP. Without going through Ross’s process (explained in this episode) this would never have been realised.

    Clarity Is Key

    Jonathan reveals why he was getting confused with figuring out his own USP and why you can use the same solution to your own advantage.

    Ross explains how trying to squeeze everything in to just one USP could be holding you back from absolute clarity and why you may even need more than just a single USP.

    Oftentimes you work on your USP but because you’re so close, you can’t see whats special about it. Ross tells you why you should take a step back and how to see everything from your customers point of view. In doing so you’re going to uncover hidden benefits you never knew existed.

    Where The Magic Starts to Happen

    Its much more than ‘just’ a USP.Having a clear value proposition key to figuring out how you can stand out and why people should pick you to do business with.

    The more time you spend working on your USP, the more value its going to bring to your company. Ross reveals why most people fall at this hurdle and don’t understand the process.

    Jonathan shares his own epiphany and what happened when he finally nailed down his USP and how its affected the direction of The Podcast Factory moving forward.

    Common Mistakes People Make

    Ross shares his very own lessons learnt on why people often don’t have a good understanding of what USP’s are and how they can dramatically give you and your business so much clarity and direction.

    One thing Ross noticed was that people get confused when it comes to defining what you actually DO vs how you can stand out and why would someone pick you over the competition.

    We rap about how Dominos Pizza uses a great USP thats nothing like what everyone else is talking about. (they don’t even mention crispy crusts or melted cheese).

    All this and much more in this episode of Copy Chief Radio.

    To connect with Kevin Rogers, check out his links below and remember he welcomes all questions, comments and inquiries!

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