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BSA63: Why You Should Kill Your Inner Nice Guy “Execution Style” ASAP

BSA63: Why You Should Kill Your Inner Nice Guy “Execution Style” ASAP           BSA63: Why You Should Kill Your Inner Nice Guy “Execution Style” ASAP          
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    On this special Easter Sunday “Ben Settle Show” Producer Jonathan and I show you the foolishness and self-destruction caused by being “nice.”

    Here’s a taste of the meanness inside:

    • Why you should kill your inner nice guy “execution style” ASAP.
    • How being nice does neither you or anyone else any good whatsoever. (And actually encourages the worst attributes in people to come out and play.)
    • A real life example of how being “nice” by giving away valuable information for free can get you slandered and bad-mouthed on the Internet.
    • A list of terrible things that befall the average nice guy in his life time. (If you’re a self described nice guy, chances are many of these have happened to you… and will continue to happen to you until you chance your wicked ways.)
    • Why being nice is almost guaranteed to get a guy dumped, friend-zoned, or turned into an “emotional tampon.” (Especially by the chicks who insist otherwise.)
    • How being nice prevents people from getting job promotions.
    • Why it’s foolish to be nice to hostile customers these days.
    • Why friends, family, and lovers have almost no choice but to take advantage of nice guys. (It’s not malicious, but it is inevitable if you’re a proverbial nice guy.)
    • Why nice guys are far more likely to be scammed.
    • 8 ways to execute your inner nice guy without selling your soul to the devil. (Follow my simple advice and in the next 2 minutes you can put your inner nice guy on his knees, walk behind him, and execute him, never to plague you with his nauseating niceness ever again.)
    • What to tell your girlfriend if she flirts with other dudes.
    • The exact best time to eject toxic people out of your life.
    • The Joker’s (ethical) advice to business owners who pride themselves on being “nice.”
    • The one attribute practically every nice guy has in common (and no, it’s not a good one…)
    • Why making being “liked” a goal is foolish.
    • And lots more mean advice that’ll give you peace.

    Ben Settle

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