BSA58: 5 “Newbie Proof” Traffic Tips
Today’s “Ben Settle Show” podcast reveals:
- How to use free YouTube videos to get marketers with giant lists to JV with you. (Or, at the very least, email you back and be open to hearing from you.)
- How to use an ordinary ball to get almost anyone’s attention you want.
- A neuroscience geek’s secret to building a big, responsive list of leads who already want to buy what you’re selling.
- How to “barter” your way to a big, thriving list of email subscribers.
- A secret way to segment your email list right at the opt in. (This not only gets you more opt ins, but it “preps” people to buy right out the gate).
- How to get the news media and podcasts to do all the “heavy lifting” of building your email list for you.
- Probably the single best way to get targeted, ready-to-buy opt-ins. (You probably won’t get a lot of opt-ins from this, but you likely will get a lot of sales from the ones you get.)
- How to build an audience of hot, eager-to-buy customers from scratch without spending any money.
- And more…
Ben Settle