BSA105: How to pick the perfect coach for dat azz
This week’s “Ben Settle Show” is all about how to pick a coach to hire — regardless of the niche or industry (copywriting, marketing, business, fitness, life, fashion, sales, accountability, you name it, any kind of coach).
* The “anti-coaching” reason why Portland is the most screwed up city on the planet. (ooh)
* Why it’s better to be water boarded than hire a coach who’s so pathetic he (or she) resorts to hard selling or shaming you into hiring them.
* The best way to “vet” a would-be coach you want to hire.
* Why you should avoid hiring coaches who only have raving happy clients.
* The best asset a business-related coach can bring to the table. (And it has nothing to do with knowledge or experience — if a coach ONLY brings this to the table they are almost always worth hiring.)
* My 2 favorite podcasting coaches.
* Why the length of time someone has been coaching isn’t necessarily a good attribute to hire a coach on.
* A “red flag” to look for if you hire a coach who is naturally entertaining.
* What to ask coaches who dazzle you with metrics before hiring them.
* And more…