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Bob Holdsworth | Do Business On Your Own Terms

Why outside perspective is critical to your success.

Bob Holdsworth | Do Business On Your Own Terms         Bob Holdsworth | Do Business On Your Own Terms        
Why outside perspective is critical to your success.           Why outside perspective is critical to your success.          
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    In past episodes, you’ve learned about well-meaning, yet terrible advice by clueless people. You’ve heard about the malignant outsiders trying to sabotage you.

    But if you think you need to create your success all alone, you’re wrong.

    Others can have valuable perspectives which give you the opportunity to transform your business and claim your entrepreneurial freedom.

    In this episode of Do Business On Your Own Terms, you learn which people harbor valuable insight and how to turn their insight into business improvement.

    Show highlights include:

    – Eight methods you can use to let your subconscious help you solve your problem—and what to do if they don’t work. (2:40)
    – A free, counter-intuitive method to gain trustworthy outside perspective (4:00)
    – Why people who are not in your industry often have the most valuable insight. (7:10)
    – Three ways you can tap into the knowledge of external people to help your own business. (7:55)
    – The incredible value of in-person mastermind groups. (8:15)
    – How outside perspective created fortunes in barcodes, post-it notes and viagra (11:35)
    – Five questions to ask if your staff if you don’t want to pay for consulting. (14:05)
    – The two valuable perspectives to consult if you can’t find your way forward. (16:40)

    Would you like to claim your entrepreneurial freedom? Start today by downloading your complimentary copy of Bob’s “8 Steps To Freedom”. Go to https://oyot.com/8steps and get your copy!

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