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Bob Holdsworth | Do Business On Your Own Terms

Entrepreneurial Freedom: What is it?

Bob Holdsworth | Do Business On Your Own Terms         Bob Holdsworth | Do Business On Your Own Terms        
Entrepreneurial Freedom: What is it?           Entrepreneurial Freedom: What is it?          
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    Starting and running a business sounds like a dream to most people. Complete independence, being your own boss and working on your own schedule—that’s freedom.

    If you own a business, you know things aren’t that easy. Most entrepreneurs don’t live the lifestyle they deserve—often without good reason.

    In this episode, learn about the mindset you need if you want to own your business—instead of your business owning you.

    Show highlights:

    – Two six-word sentences which define entrepreneurial freedom—and 3 steps to gain it. (1:45)
    – Why roughly 90% of business owners lose their freedom when they start a business. (3:15)
    – Why entrepreneurs are an endangered species. (9:15)
    – Harsh things to realize if you want to claim your freedom. (10:20)
    – An invaluable question to ask yourself—you might not like your answer. (14:00)
    – The super-simple, yet profound first question Bob asks any consulting client (15:50)

    Would you like to claim your freedom?
    Get a free gift containing 8 essential steps for entrepreneurial freedom at https://oyot.com/8steps.

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