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Brad Barrett | Make Your Money Matter

The Top 5 Questions You Should (and Shouldn't) Ask When a Interviewing a Financial Advisor

Brad Barrett | Make Your Money Matter         Brad Barrett | Make Your Money Matter        
The Top 5 Questions You Should (and Shouldn't) Ask When a Interviewing a Financial Advisor           The Top 5 Questions You Should (and Shouldn't) Ask When a Interviewing a Financial Advisor          
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    When you’re searching for a financial advisor, there are several questions you want to ask to make sure they’re the best fit for you. 


    Because handing your hard-earned money over to someone else is an important decision. Picking the wrong advisor could wreck your retirement and minimize your returns. 

    But here’s the problem: 

    When you search for questions you should ask your financial advisor on Google, you get a lot of general questions that don’t tell you how a particular advisor fits into your unique life and retirement plan. 

    In this episode, I’m going to explain what these 5 most common questions are — and how you can tweak them so your questions are more relevant to your financial goals. Listen to the episode now before you talk to a financial advisor. 

    Show Highlights Include:

    • Why asking a financial planner about their past performance is an easy way to minimize your returns (and why asking for their investment philosophy helps you beat the market and plan your retirement) (5:48) 
    • The “Goals-Based Approach” to investing that’s unique to you and prevents a financial advisor from gambling your money away (7:09) 
    • How telling your advisor your interests, hobbies, relationships, and values helps you achieve your dream retirement lifestyle faster (7:59) 
    • Why picking the most popular financial advisor with the most clients can sabotage your returns (and a better way to “vet” potential advisors) (8:19) 
    • How credentials can trick you into a hiring an advisor that’s not the best fit for your unique goals (15:08) 

    To schedule your complimentary retirement track review, head to https://onecapitalmanagement.com. You can also call us at 805-410-5454 or text the word ‘TRACK’ and we’ll reach out to you.

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