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Brad Barrett | Make Your Money Matter

3 things your portfolio should do

Brad Barrett | Make Your Money Matter         Brad Barrett | Make Your Money Matter        
3 things your portfolio should do           3 things your portfolio should do          
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    Having a financial portfolio can grow and protect your wealth for generations to come…but designing one with the least amount of risk is where most people fail. 

    Having a portfolio in and of itself is not going to protect your money. Maintaining it through a variety of tools is the only way to safeguard your assets and preserve your finances.

    In this episode, I discuss the three tools your portfolio needs for lifelong growth and being protected from risky financial exposures in an uncertain world.

    Show Highlights Include:

    • Why your portfolio has different expectations than everyone else – and how to determine what plan compliments your lifestyle best. (1:50)
    • What Apple reveals about owning stocks and how to grow your portfolio in value (with minimal risk).  (5:46)
    • The bonds that produce the most money and where you can take risks for a stress-free retirement right now.   (9:10)
    • The five areas of investment that protect your portfolio’s assets the most (in any political or economic environment).  (10:38)

    To schedule your complimentary retirement track review, head to https://onecapitalmanagement.com. You can also call us at 805-410-5454 or text the word ‘TRACK’ and we’ll reach out to you.

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