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Word Misconception - Active vs. Passive

Word Misconception - Active vs. Passive           Word Misconception - Active vs. Passive          
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    Words like conservative and aggressive are tossed around in the investment world all the time. Same with passive and active. While these ideas seem to make sense when someone is shouting them at you from your television, reality is different.

    These terms can mean various things in the context of different retirement portfolios. The most important thing is to understand how they relate to your individual situation.

    In today’s episode, I discuss the importance of understanding your investment strategy and how to be absolutely sure your investments are on the right track to take you to your perfect retirement.

    Show Highlights Include:

    • The profound lesson a jar full of rocks can teach you about time management (1:40)
    • Why actively managing your portfolio can destroy your life and finances (4:58)
    • How the definition of risk is stifling your portfolio growth and how to know exactly what to invest in (12:36)
    • Why a “conservative” investment strategy can tank your retirement fund faster than a weekend in Vegas (14:08)

    To schedule your free retirement tracking meeting, specifically for first responders, head to http://pensionattention.com/ or call us at 805-409-8150.

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