We’ve all been there.
Your business is getting up and running, you have consistent sales, and everything’s just peachy!
It’s exciting!
Then you get a Cease and Desist letter in the mail.
Having a jewelry business these days sort of requires you to double as a marketing guru.
Or at least it definitely feels that way sometimes!
You’re learning new terms like “sales funnel” “pixel” and “brand assets”
The big one I’m always hearing about is “website traffic.”
All this really means one thing; finding people who love your jewelry and getting them to buy!…
It’s no secret. Everyone is pretty much hanging out on Facebook.
So it’s naturally a really good way to connect with those DREAM Clients who’re gonna love your jewelry!
Because of the ever-changing algorithms…posting on your fan page every day isn’t going to cut it like it used to.…
Have you ever wondered to yourself,
How are other jewelry designers running their business?
Do you wish you could peek over the shoulder of a super successful six-figure designer and get a glimpse of how they’re getting sales and exposure?…
There are three things in life. The things you know, the things you don’t know, and the thingsyou don’t know you don’t know.
That last one can get you into serious trouble!
It was also me about 7 years ago when my first business failed and I started over with and launched a new business, my custom jewelry brand..…
The jewelry world is full of clutter and noise.
Because of that, it’s become increasingly more challenging to stand out and grab your DREAM client’s attention, especially online.
That’s why YOUR ability to create an immediate and long term connection with the right customers is the difference between having crap sales and easily finding the perfect customers 24/7.…
Every new (or even seasoned) designer can struggle with being able to locate the perfect clasp or chain or gemstone (for the right price).
At times it might seem that there are too many options but other times it might seem like you are walking through the woods at midnight with no flashlight trying to find the perfect kyanite or the right gage of jumpring.…
Wondering how to stand out on Facebook can cause some serious stress, confusion and overwhelm.
Can you relate?
You’re not alone!
With changing algorithms and fan pages, Facebook especially can be a tough nut to crack.…
Writing about yourself is never easy.
It’s hard to know what things to write about, how people will interpret it, and if your message will come across the way you intended it.
You know you’re supposed to tell people about your business, but doing it in a way that grabs someone’s attention seems impossible.…
How to Market and Grow Your Brand Like a Boss-Lady Even When the Sh*T Hits the Fan w/ Nicole Gariepy
Let’s face it… Owning a jewelry biz isn’t always easy.
… I know it hasn’t been for me.
So how are you going to deal with that fact?
Life doesn’t always cooperate. Shipments don’t arrive on time, you get sick, or maybe you find termites in your jewelry bench (totally not joking here… listen to the episode!)
It’s hard to push through when things get crazy.…