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When a relationship hinges on sexual attractiveness, it’s doomed to fail. Yet despite all the scientific evidence about attractiveness fading over time, the first step most men take when their relationship falters is improving their attractiveness.… READ MORE

There’s a pervasive myth in society today, especially among high achievers. And that myth is that repression is a reliable and sustainable tool for success.
Why is this myth so pervasive? Well, this strategy sort of works in the short-term, fooling high achievers into thinking that it’s a sound strategy.… READ MORE

Your emotions are like the GPS to your psyche. They’re the signposts that help you lead a life of happiness and fulfillment.
But the problem most achievers have is that they’ve learned to repress their emotions in order to achieve success.… READ MORE

Most men lack a certain “skill” that explains many relationship and dating problems modern men have. It explains anxiety before and during dates, emotional isolation when you lose intimacy over time, and it even explains why couples have so many arguments.… READ MORE

One of the most damaging societal myths we believe is that marriage or having a baby can fix underlying relationship issues. This myth isn’t only misleading, but it creates more significant issues down the road.… READ MORE

There’s a myth that many guys believe: that looks, status, or wealth are the keys to a lasting relationship. But this isn’t true. And if you fall for that myth, you’ll wind up in a loveless and eventually boring and sexless relationship.… READ MORE

Men have been told for generations that feeling or showing their sadness is a sign of weakness. This myth has misled entire generations of men to suppress their sadness. And nothing has led to men being more isolated, lonely, and disconnected—from themselves and others—than this toxic myth.… READ MORE

Most guys see their emotions—both positive and negative—as a sign of weakness and root cause of sabotage. This leads them to take one of two approaches to their emotions:
Either they repress their emotions entirely, fooling themselves into believing everything’s fine when it’s not, causing resentment and passive aggressive behavior.… READ MORE

If you’re an achiever, you probably prioritize growth over everything else. You set goals for the distant future that you think will make you happy and fulfilled – goals that can only be achieved after dedicating long hours of grueling work and sacrificing your happiness in the short-term.… READ MORE

In today’s complex dating world, numerous men find themselves grappling not only with the intricacies of modern romance but also with deep-seated anxieties and fears that surround it.
They fear starting conversations with women.… READ MORE

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