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Have you ever felt like you’re underwater? You have your head down, you’re swimming hard and just trying to get through whatever life throws at you.
We’ve all been there at some point in our lives.… READ MORE

Midlife is a life chapter I see a lot of women struggle with.
It’s a time you suddenly start questioning everything you’ve devoted yourself to for the last couple of decades. All your carefully laid plans don’t seem to make sense anymore.… READ MORE

Do most women know how to set boundaries??
Not at all. We rarely protect time for ourselves. We always delay the mini adventures in our life because our kid gets sick, or there’s a surprise meeting, or that one extra-needy friend calls.… READ MORE

How can we be lonely when we always seem to be so busy and surrounded by other people? We’re constantly at work, on zoom calls, in our homes with children running around, running errands, watching sporting events, and generally living our lives out in the world…and yet, we’re isolated.… READ MORE

So many of us want to be more productive.
Because most of us live in a chronic state of affairs in which we have too much to do and not enough time to do it. Staring down our never-ending list makes us feel like we’ll never catch a break…we’re just destined to run on this treadmill forever.… READ MORE

Whether it’s for a sense of security, having the funds to fulfill our life goals, or to feel the thrill of freedom, we all want to save money.
But most of us get stuck when it comes to actually doing it.… READ MORE

This is part one of a four part series on “Getting what you want.” And #1 on the list is to live healthier and feel better…which makes sense because a healthy lifestyle helps us feel vibrant and energized so we can contribute in meaningful ways to ourselves, our families and our careers.… READ MORE

As we progress in our careers from office newbies to seasoned leaders, we face the challenge of updating our look to keep up with the image we want to project to the world.
It can all be confusing: trying to understand your style and what it means for your personal brand, and at the same time wearing what makes you feel confident and look good.… READ MORE

January can be seductive with so many “new year new you” marketing messages. We can easily get swept up in the excitement and then crash and burn by taking on way too much at once.
It’s not a great way to begin a new year.… READ MORE

Happy New Year to you!
As I reflect on my years as an entrepreneur, I see that a lot of things have changed in the past 13 years. I’ve changed. My family has changed. My needs have changed. My dreams have even changed.… READ MORE

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