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Without headaches or hassles

…and she lived happily ever after. As little girls we bought into the fairy tale, so sometimes as women, we want to live a life without any challenges or hiccups — and effortlessly sail into retirement.… READ MORE

Have you ever heard a story about something awe-inspiring someone has done and you think: ‘It would be so amazing to do that someday’…
Then end up never doing it?
We’ve all had that experience of looking great experiences square in the eye – ones that are so intensely desirable – and telling ourselves ‘not yet’.… READ MORE

It’s our 5 year anniversary, so we’re taking a trip down memory lane. Meet my team as we reminisce about the episodes we’re still talking about, in some cases several years after they originally aired.… READ MORE

So many women struggle to say no. Whenever women get a request for their precious time, they feel like they owe it to the person asking. The reality is that time is finite. It’s the one resource we have that we can’t get back.… READ MORE

For many years, society has been perplexed by powerful women. Generations of women have been conditioned not to speak their truth, voice their opinions, and use their voice. When women speak up, they get labeled as “bossy” or worse.… READ MORE

If you find yourself constantly nagging your kids to get off their phones, you’re not alone!
Technology has invaded every nook and corner of our lives. Parents are working from home, children are exposed to screens – and everyone’s checking social media a zillion times a day!… READ MORE

The number of incredible women chasing their own career dreams is awe-inspiring. The days when women didn’t stand a chance of holding a breadwinner role are long gone.
Sounds amazing, right? Not so fast, my friend.… READ MORE

When was the last time you did something for yourself? With so many things on our checklist each day, many of us are guilty of getting lost in the day-to-day activities and stresses of the external world.… READ MORE

As summer comes to a close, many of us feel a little blue; we’re not quite ready to bid adieu to the ease and flow of the season.
Before we know it, we’re back to the all-too-familiar hustle of everyday life, complete with that feeling of dread that creeps in Sunday evening and the reluctance with which you drag yourself out of bed and into your Monday morning commute.… READ MORE

Have you ever thought you were for sure going to bomb a job interview or school presentation but then ended up getting through it with flying colors?
That was your mind playing tricks on you.
It turns out our brain is an excellent author…of fiction!… READ MORE

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