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We all have those seasons – the ones that we experience as a surge. Fast. Full. Little time to rest.
They take up most of our time and energy. And we need more concentration and agility just to stay afloat and not go under.… READ MORE

The mass shooting at Covenant School in Nashville, Tennessee brought the school shooting count to 89 for the year in the U.S alone.
Guns are now the leading cause of deaths in children and teens. As a parent who speaks to an audience of parents, this is horrifying.… READ MORE

We’re wired to hustle. We’ve been trained to hustle since childhood and most of us don’t know any other way.
From babysitting, to working through college, to working through grad school. We don’t know any other way to navigate life than by grinding it out.… READ MORE

Conflict is something we often try to avoid.
But that’s not something to be proud of. Want to know why?
If you’d rather be a people pleaser and ignore the things that bug you rather than face them head on – it can fester resentment and erode your relationships.… READ MORE

Finish lines have a powerful allure to them.
They inspire us to begin important journeys and give us strong motivation to go after our goals.
However, sometimes we misinterpret which parts of our lives need finish lines, so we approach everything the same way and wind up overloaded.… READ MORE

You might be a perfectionist if…
You’re restless and discontent with anything that is incomplete, operating at over-capacity and running yourself ragged to get things just the way you like them.… READ MORE

There’s a voice in our head…and it isn’t very nice.
Labeling us, attacking our insecurities, and constantly making us feel like we’re just not good enough..
If we let it, this negative inner dialogue can really take us under, keeping us stuck and even making us question who we truly are.… READ MORE

We are working all the time. And not always in the classical sense: going to an office, burning late hours etc.
Instead, we use most of our waking hours to do things that feel like work. Whether it’s calls taken from the car, scheduling people to do other work, taking care of our parents, or organizing new projects.… READ MORE

Merging professional ambition with managing your home life isn’t easy, but I think it’s worth it. While you may constantly have to task-switch between meeting professional goals and meeting the needs of your family, the satisfaction that comes from having a foot in each world runs deep.… READ MORE

I’ve spent a LOT of time talking to women in midlife, women who have to constantly re-balance the competing demands of their professional lives and family responsibilities to make room for some FUN.… READ MORE

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