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Traffic and Funnels | Smartest Guys in Marketing

GUEST: Katya Varbanova - LiveStream Strategist

Traffic and Funnels | Smartest Guys in Marketing         Traffic and Funnels | Smartest Guys in Marketing        
GUEST: Katya Varbanova - LiveStream Strategist           GUEST: Katya Varbanova - LiveStream Strategist          
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    When it comes to increasing your reach and engaging with your audience, live video wins hands-down every time.

    Combine live streaming videos with the world’s most powerful social networks, and you’ve got yourself a recipe for maximum engagement and unrivaled reach.

    Today, the guys have drafted in Live Stream Strategist Katya Varbanova.

    She’s omnipresent on literally every social media network out there – even the dead ones – and knows a thing or two about creating massive engagement on  Live Streams as you’ll find out in today’s episode.

    Here Are The HIghlights:

    • How to use Live Streams to sell out your products, programs and services (7:30)
    • How long should a Live Stream be? (12:00)
    • The No1 thing that holds most people back from being successful (19:15)
    • Katya’s business tips for Chris and Taylor (20:45)
    • The exact questions Katya uses to get 1,000 + comments on her Live Streams (25:30)


    Not got the Traffic and Funnels memos yet?

    Then go here http://TrafficAndFunnels.com/Memos to learn the inside secrets that build million dollar consulting businesses from scratch – ready to deploy in your own business.

    Don't forget to grab your free training & material Chris and Taylor are giving you for free. Download your free  “client bundle” here: www.TrafficAndFunnels.com/GIFT

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