“Fifty percent of the homes sold of sellers moved within 15 miles or less of the home that they sold into their new home. Which could make it a triple. I mean one good seller could be a triple. It could be you get their buyer, you help them sell their house and you help them as a buyer buy another house.” – Darin & Jonathan
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Numbers never Lie:
According to the NAR 2013 Home Buyer Seller Report, 50% of the homes sold of sellers moved within 15 miles or less of the home that they sold into their new home.
27% moved within 5 miles or less.
16% moved within 6 to 10 miles.
7% moved within 11 to 15 miles.
Main Topic:
How to kickstart your real estate business
Three tips:
1. Provide Value (on TV it's entertainment – in Business it’s insight)
2. Be Approachable
3. Give Them What They Want
Links and other stuff mentioned in this show:
1. How to “Hunger Games” your real estate marketing Hunger Games
2. Why Rockstars are Broke: The myth about being Celebrity Realtor Rock Stars