Leadership search and business recruitment concept as a group of pawn chess pieces and one individual standing out with a king crown cast shadow as a metaphor for the chosen one.
“You’re an asshole”.
That’s what my wife’s friend told her after she got drunk on their girl’s night out.
She said I am a condescending smart ass who needs to get off his pedestal.
And you know what?
She’s half right.
I AM an asshole… most of the time… when I’m in public.
And I blame marketing.
My aggressive persona took over the real Igor.
Yet, I wouldn’t change it even if I could.
You see, becoming a polarizing personality is a must if you want to stand out in a crowded space.
Because the marketplace is full of people just like you, who offer the same service, for the same price… and each and every single one of them is so darn boring.
They’re so normal it’s disgusting.
People aren’t attracted to the usual middle ground anymore, they’re attracted to the extremities where the magic happens.
Make no mistake.
Creating an online marketing persona is critical to succeed.
And today’s episode is all about how to become larger than life marketer.