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A brand spanking new podcast is locked and loaded for your listening un-pleasure. It contains 7 new Email Players rules — which have become Horde-favorite episodes over the years.… READ MORE

The newest podcast is up — and it’s all about goo-roo fanboys, what they are, what it means, and why you should avoid them like the bigfoot apocalypse plague.
Ben Settle… READ MORE


The most recent podcast is ready to be consumed. It’s another Q&A episode — where I took questions from my Horde and give them all the dirty details on their most pressing questions and problems.… READ MORE

I’ve just posted one of the most Valuable podcast episodes I’ve recorded to date about some of the persuasion secrets I learned from one of the world’s top firearm and concealed carry instructors (according to many law enforcement experts, people in the military who know him, and, yes, the “evil” NRA who named him their top instuctor).… READ MORE

I just uploaded a new podcast about flakebook proles, and the unsecksy ways to get all the “engagement” you want on social media without being self loathing or using boring question cheat sheets.… READ MORE

I just put up a fresh, new podcast episode. It’s about “flowery hands” (and embroidered fingers) marketing and why it’s stupid to do it.
Ben Settle… READ MORE

The newest podcast is patiently awaiting your ears. It’s about using the Wing Chun kung fu concept of “sticky hands” in your marketing to make lots and lots and lots of sales.
Here’s where to listen:
Ben Settle

The most recentest of podcasts is raring to be released into the digital stream of your inner psyche. It’s another 7 fan-favorite Email Players rules show.
Be here, or be somewhere:

This week’s whopping nine minute long podcast is for the women-folk, especially. And, it’s mostly pointless for guys. But, who knows? Maybe you’ll find some Value in it…
Here’s where to listen:

This week’s podcast is alive and wriggling online.
It’s a Q&A episode, where I not only teach people a lesson on tl;dr (i.e. asking long-winded questions that take forever to get to the point), but dispense all the usual non-wisdom you’ve come to expect from my rantings and ravings.READ MORE

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