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Think about all of the important lessons you’ve been taught in your life.
Whether it was from a parent, or a college class, or an elderly person you met in line at the grocery store. Why are those the lessons that stick with you all of your life?…


Do you ever feel stressed about money in your business? 
No matter how hard you try to make sales and keep the cash flow coming in, you can’t seem to keep the money in your account or even pay yourself?…


What’s your word of the year?

My word of the year for 2019 is ELEVATE!
Last year, my word of the year was SIMPLIFY here’s why…

Have you ever felt that making money is hard because there are so many things you have to do to make your business work?…


Happy New Year #ThriveTribe…
Last week, I wrote about 5 words to live by (and tools to set the precedent for your New Year) because, well, it’s the New Year! Time for some massive change!
Which leads me to a kinda personal question…because it’s time to Sage that S#!zz and clear space for an awesome year ahead.…


Every year around this time, I reflect back on how I did…
This year was no different…
Always – ALWAYS – my reflection starts with my WINS! Girl, you crushed it!
Then I have to check myself re: the goals that I didn’t achieve.…


Content is King (yes, even for a jewelry brand).
And when your content is marketed the right way, you can easily connect with those perfect customers…you know the ones who keep coming back for more?…


A recent NY Times Article announced that Conde Nast is selling off 3 of its publications due to a shrinking pool of advertisers and changes in the way content is consumed…
…which in recent times isn’t so much on the printed page.…


I’m often asked: what does it really take for an emerging jewelry brand | designer | maker to successfully sell jewelry online?
It requires 4 things:
A Can Do Attitude
Here’s why: There’s a lot of strategy “conversion nuance” involved in getting customers to actually buy from your jewelry website or online channels.…


Following trends with your new collection is a great way to get inspired for Spring 2019.
No matter what kind of jewelry you create, you can show these trends in your designs.
It’s always fun to see how other designers are applying trends to their work!…


Think you can’t keep a secret?
The blogger behind A Thousand Facets has hidden her identity for almost 9 years on her blog!
It’s so cool because she’s a big time blogger, but no one knows the woman behind the words.…


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