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I was reading an interesting article that talks about how watching TV activates the lower part of your brain. It’s the same part people commonly called your “lizard brain.”

You know the part of your brain that is responsible for your fight or flight reflex. I call it a reflex because it doesn’t take any thinking at all, this is more of a survival instinct from the days of cavemen.

The worst part is, by watching too much TV your brain actually atrophies.

Just like your muscles, if you don’t use them you become soft, weak, and pathetic. When you spend too much time in front of the tube your brain becomes mush and almost useless.

Worse: If you’re a hardcore TV watcher and you spend too much time in front of the tube you’ll actually start believing everything you’re seeing.

No kidding, it’s almost like begin brainwashed.

My point? If you’re stuck in front of the TV for more than an hour per day you need to fix your wicked ways or you’ll become a non-thinking zombie being fed thoughts that aren’t your own.

One of the ways to break this scary cycle is to pick up a boo and do some reading.

Don’t know where to start?

I got you covered brochacho, I’m reading all the time and I share all my best takeaways with you in my book reviews.

You can check them out here http://thepodcastfactory.com/bookreviews

Carry on,

Producer Jonathan

Have a podcast in 30 days

Without headaches or hassles


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