Have a podcast in 30 days

Without headaches or hassles

Men and Women,
Boys and Girls,
Children of all ages… behold the next great wonder of the modern world.
It's “Three things you must do before you can sell a thing
Why is this such a big deal? Because the newest member of The Podcast Factory is now on iTunes with his three part series that's going to help you sell your stuff.
I'm talking about the one and only Kevin Roger – his new show “Copy Chief Radio” is on iTunes and ready for you to plug into your ear buds right now when you CLICK HERE

This week at “The factory”


“Eggplant Society”
No one thinks anymore.
Its like thinking went out of style or something.
Rather than question ideas, probe paradigms and test different approaches to email marketing…
All people do is blindly buy into the so-called “expert” advice on forums and social media.
“Building your network without being douchey”
This week Dan shares how to make friends with people instead of being a douchey networker.
The power of pissing people off
You want to run a business that gets people off their asses, then learn how t piss people off on this week's show.
“Clarity: Three things you must do before you can sell a thing. Part 1”
Check out the new kid on the block > Kevin Rogers. In this show he helps you find the one thing you need to get people excited about you offer.
“Competitors and Comrades”
If you think you're surrounded by competitors and there's no way to beat them, you're right. Find out why in this week's show.
Schooling announcer babe Misty's apprentice for fun and profit

Before my podcast announcer chick Misty sends emails to the podcast list, she always sends to me for my perusal. You know, just in case. And, a couple months ago she asked about her apprentice. Specifically, she wanted to know how I judge whether her emails are good enough to fly, and how she could apply my same criteria to her apprentice who writes the emails for her fitness bootcamp.

Producer Jonathan

Have a podcast in 30 days

Without headaches or hassles


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