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Jonathan Rivera | The Daily Bread Project

TDBP37: Stop lying to yourself

Jonathan Rivera | The Daily Bread Project         Jonathan Rivera | The Daily Bread Project        
TDBP37: Stop lying to yourself           TDBP37: Stop lying to yourself          
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    We all tell ourselves lies.

    We're not good enough.

    We're not smart enough.

    We're not fit enough.

    …We are not enough.

    On today's show Jill Allen from “Find Your Fierce” joins me to say, “You are enough”


    • The source for everlasting power and confidence
    • How you can tap into your true power
    • The secret to locking out fear
    • Even when the world seems like its spinning into chaos, you can control these two important things
    • A simple hack to help you be more positive
    • Why you need The Armor of God now more than ever
    • How you can turn this “pandemic” into the opportunity of a lifetime
    • Why you're all out of excuses for not having the life you've always wanted

    That and more on The Daily Bread Project today.

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