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Jonathan Rivera | The Daily Bread Project

TDBP31: Is this the time to Build Massive Wealth?

Jonathan Rivera | The Daily Bread Project         Jonathan Rivera | The Daily Bread Project        
TDBP31: Is this the time to Build Massive Wealth?           TDBP31: Is this the time to Build Massive Wealth?          
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    The #1 regret most people have on their death bed… All the things they DIDN't do.

    Are you living up to your potential?

    On today's show Jennings Smith joins us to share:

    • Why the rules you were taught in school don't apply to you
    • The biggest mistake you don't realize you're making that's keeping you from having everything you want in life
    • Is your business serving you? Or Are you serving your business?
    • How your focus could be killing your happiness
    • You want better results in your life? Try this…
    • How to be a better leader toy your team and your clients right now
    • An simple trick that'll give you an extra 45 minutes each day
    • How to wake up to wins

    All that and a whole bunch more on The Daily Bread Project today.

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