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Jonathan Rivera | The Daily Bread Project

TDBP8: You want more out of life?

Jonathan Rivera | The Daily Bread Project         Jonathan Rivera | The Daily Bread Project        
TDBP8: You want more out of life?           TDBP8: You want more out of life?          
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    You say you want more out of life.

    But what are you doing to get it?

    Today on The Daily Bread Project Mark Evans Dm of The Making of a DM shows you how you can Have More. Do More. Be More. Give more.

    In our 30 minute chat you'll find out:

    • The secret to happiness
    • What you need to win everyday
    • Why comparing yourself to others could be killing your confidence
    • A powerful way to shut off and shut out negativity
    • The best time to invest in yourself and your business
    • How to build a legacy that changes the world
    • How to get a world class education from the comfort of your own home.

    All that and a whole bunch more on The Daily Bread Project.

    Have a podcast in 30 days

    Without headaches or hassles


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