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Rick Rigsby | How Ya Livin'

Encore: Be A Blessing

Rick Rigsby | How Ya Livin'         Rick Rigsby | How Ya Livin'        
Encore: Be A Blessing           Encore: Be A Blessing          
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    While some of us spend our lives looking for blessings in the midst of chaos, others spend their time being the blessing. And by treating others with a willing heart and open mind, the world slowly mends itself from hate and division.

    In this episode, you’ll learn why anyone can be a blessing to others and how giving a simple smile today strengthens the bonds of social engagement for a better tomorrow.

    Show Highlights Include:

    • What a plate of food reveals about the bonds of social engagement – and how to encourage and love your neighbors (no matter your circumstances). (0:25)
    • Why social media activism accomplishes nothing in the real world – and the small acts of kindness that bring immediate change to your community.  (2:30)
    • What Bruce Almighty’s mistakes reveal about looking for blessings – and how you can instantly be one instead. (5:45)
    • What Sister Jean says about encouraging others on a daily basis and how you can be a blessing through every step in life (regardless of what’s happening in the world). (6:55)

    Do you want to stop existing and start living your best life right now? Click here to get the first chapter of Dr. Rick’s best-selling book, Lessons From a Third Grade Dropout, for free.

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